Identify and target key genomic and epigenomic drivers in chronic human diseases by utilizing genome mapping and editing approaches
Our Goal
Our goal is to identify and target key drivers of aberrant genome regulation in diseases such as Cancer. To achieve this, we combine functional genomic and epigenomic mapping tools (population and single-cell level gene expression and chromatin accessibility) with CRISPR-based genome manipulation (targeted gene editing, genome-level CRISPR screenings, and chromatin engineering) to identify and functionally characterize disease-associated aberrant genomic and epigenomic features.
We are also the Center for Genome Engineering as part of the Morphic consortium project, which aims to understand the function of every human gene. We are developing novel technologies and applying genome engineering and targeted protein depletion strategies to functionally characterize essential human genes in induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC).
Our lab is located in the Robert Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center and is part of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine.
Our research is funded by:

Get In Touch
We are here to answer your questions.
For any inquiries about ongoing lab research, please contact Prof. Mazhar Adli.
We are always welcoming enthusiastic young talents and scientists to join our lab. Prospective graduate students are recommended to apply through the Northwestern Driskill Graduate Program (DGP) in Life Sciences program. Currently admitted DGP students can contact Dr. Adli about potential rotation projects and open Ph.D. positions in the lab. All postdoctoral candidates should send their CVs and cover letter directly to Dr. Adli.
Email: adli@northwestern.edu
Tel: +1 312 5038647
Address: Robert Lurie Research Building
303 E Superior St, Suite: 4-121, Chicago, IL, 60611