News from the lab at the Northwestern University (2020-present)

- Dr. Adli spoke on the Breakthroughs podcast about recent discoveries in the lab and our MORPHIC consortium grant.
- Dr. Adli was interviewed by The Independent-Turkish about the discovery of ISL2 as a novel tumor suppressor of pancreatic cancer.
- We wholeheartedly welcome De Xing (postdoc), Tao Bai (lab manager), Ozlem Neyisci (Research Tech), Gina Kirsammer (program manager) and Fatih Abdula (visiting scholar) to join the lab (September 2022)
- Adli Lab is awarded a second NCI R01 to study the mechanism of chemoresistance in Ovarian Cancer (September 2022).
- Adli lab is awarded the NHGRI Morphic consortium UM1 grant (September 2022). We will use degron system to characterize essential human genes in iPSC.
- We discovered ISL2 gene as a novel tumor suppressor in pancreatic cancer (Developmental Cell (2022)).
- Kadir Buyukcelebi joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow (2021).
- We welcome Fidan Seker as a postdoctoral fellow in the lab (2020).
- Alex Duval and Harun Ozturk joined the Adli lab as DGP graduate students.
- Adli lab has relocated to Chicago! We are now part of the Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, as of January 1st, 2020. We are very excited about this new beginning in the beautiful city of Chicago! (January 1st, 2020).
News from University of Virginia (2012-2020)

- Kudos to all the teams who contributed to the in vivo CRISPR screening papers for combinatorial drug screening (Nature Communications (2018) and PNAS (2020)).
- Adli lab has been awarded an NSF grant to develop tools to manipulate and image chromatin structure and function (Aug, 2017)
- Kudos to Cem! CRISPR-STOP is a new cool tool to silence genes by base editing. It is accepted for publication in Nature Methods (May, 2017)
- Congratulations to all the fantastic team! CRISPR-chromatin imaging in living cell paper is now published in Nature Communications (April, 2017)
- Adlilab has been awarded an RO1 grant by NCI to study chemoresistance-associated epigenomic aberrations in Ovarian Cancer (April, 2017)
- Kudos to Ritambhara! The CROP-IT CRISPR off target prediction tool is published in Nucleic Acid Research (June, 2015).
- Dr. Adli is named 2014 V Scholar , an award from V Cancer research foundation (Oct, 2014).
- The very first manuscript from the Adlilab has been published in Nature Biotechnology (May, 2014).
- February, 2015: Natasha Fisher joined the lab as Research technician.
- October, 2014: Dr. Adli was granted V Scholar award from V Cancer Research Foundation.
- May, 2014: the very first manuscript from the Adlilab by Kuscu & Arslan et al., has been accepted to Nature Biotechnology. Kudos to all the contributors!
- April, 2014: Stephen Shang joined the lab as graduate student.
- March, 2013: Prof. Sevki Arslan joined the lab as visiting scholar from Denizli University, Denizli/Turkey.
- January 10th, 2013: Dr. Cem Kuscu joined the lab as postdoctoral research scientist
- November 1st, 2012: The grand opening day for the Adli Lab !!! We had our very first lab meeting!!!
- November, 2012: Ritambhara Singh joined the lab as graduate student from the Department of Computer Science!
News from Harvard Medical School/Broad Institute (2007-2012)

- ASXL1 story is on the cover of Cancer Cell (Aug, 2012)
Our article describing the role of ASXL1 mutations in myeloid malignancies and leukemia has been published and highlighted on the cover of Cancer Cell. - BioTechniques.com (10/12/2011):“Future Methods for Epigenetic Studies” (personal interview)
BioTechniques.com spoke with leaders in the field including Prof. Mazhar Adli about the current bottlenecks and developing technologies in epigenetics and epigenomics. - Genomeweb.com (10/11/2011):“Broad Team Tailors ChIP-seq Method for Low Cell Numbers, Limited DNA Volumes”
- Our Nature Protocols paper (Adli&Bernstein, Nature Protocols, 2011) was covered by Genomeweb.com and they spoke with Prof. Mazhar Adli about the development and potential applications of the Nano-ChIP-Seq technology.
- Nature Methods (7, 597-600, 2010): News and Views:”Going small is the new big”.
Our Nature Methods paper (Adli et al., Nature Methods, 2010) was highlighted in the News and Views sections of Nature Methods.